There is an apartment in the UK, that when you ring the doorbell you are greeted by Patrick Stewart saying “Welcome to the 24th century.” You might be asking yourself why someone would install that at their apartment. You’d probably guess that they’d be a pretty big Star Trek fan. Well some fans go to conventions, and some fans live in a tribute to Star Trek Voyager.
Tony Alleyne remodeled every inch of his apartment to look like the set of Star Trek Voyager. Fans might agree that this would be a good choice, Alleyne says “I have always considered that of all the Starfleet ships, Voyager is, in terms of interior, the luxury liner of the galaxy.” This may border on cool and obsessive, but at least something good came out of this. The fantastic work that Alleyne put in on his apartment prompted him to start his own design company 24th Century Interior Design.

Source: Electronic House
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